NEW: Fan-favorite restaurant MELT coming to Auburn

NEW IN AUBURN: Birmingham-based restaurant MELT is making its way to Auburn early next year.
#melt #newinalabama #alabamarestaurants #meltbirmingham #auburn #auburnal #GG
NEW IN AUBURN: Birmingham-based restaurant MELT is making its way to Auburn early next year.
#melt #newinalabama #alabamarestaurants #meltbirmingham #auburn #auburnal #GG
🏠 #1 FOR HOME BUYERS: Montgomery was recently ranked #1 in the country as most affordable city for home buyers by WalletHub.
#montgomeryal #wallethub #montgomeryrealestate #montgomeryliving #GG
🏙️ FASTEST GROWING CITIES: Huntsville is rocketing in growth, but what other cities are on the rise? See the data 👇
#alabamaliving #alabamacities #huntsvilleal #birminghamhoover #parca #GG
💪 FITTEST IN ALABAMA: Hoover was ranked as the fittest of all metropolitan areas in Alabama according to a new study.
#hooveralabama #visitalabama #alabamafitness #hooveral #totalshape #GG
✈️ MOBILE TO ORLANDO: Now you can fly from Mobile International Airport to Orlando on a low-fare nonstop flight.
#mobileal #aveloairlines #alabamatravel #GG
🍪 CRUMBL COOKIES: Birmingham and Montgomery are getting delicious new additions soon.
#crumblcookies #crumbl #newtoalabama #montgomeryal #birminghamal #GG
📍✨Calling all chicken finger lovers! Guthrie's just opened their 2nd location in Tuscaloosa!
#Guthries #Guthrieschicken #Tuscaloosa #MB
🏠 NEW JUNE HOMES: Step into a new home this summer—check out these amazing listings.
#BuzzPartner #realtysouth #alabamarealestate #alabamahomes #GG
Hope you're working on your swing, Opelika! GolfSuites is coming to your neck of the woods soon.⛳
#golfsuites #opelikaal #alabama #CM
Ready to rage, Opelika? Birmingham Rage Room is opening a sister location this summer!🔨
#opelikarageroom #alabama #CM