14 Alabamians have been inducted in the nationally acclaimed Explorers Club.  Find out more.

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The research group has become regulars in Antarctica. (Margaret Amsler)

The Explorers Club is one of the most exclusive and prestigious clubs in the country.

For over a century, the club has supported expeditions of all scientific disciplines and highlighted researchers from around the world. That includes some who are based right here in Alabama.

Keep reading to hear from three of Alabama’s explorers who have been recognized by the club + learn more about the history of the Explorers Club.

Alabama in the Explorers Club

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Explorers Club member Bill Jones during a trip to Tajikistan. (Bill Jones)

The Explorers Club currently has around 3,750 active members but only 14 reside in Alabama. They have a wide variety of areas of research and reasons why they have been elected.

Here’s a full list of members from Alabama including where each currently resides:

  • Margaret Amsler | Fellow National | Pelham
  • Dr. Rollin Baker | Fellow Emeritus | Madison
  • Bobby Harrison | Fellow National | Gurley
  • Dr. Homer Hickam | Fellow National | Huntsville
  • Bill Jones | Member National | Birmingham
  • Elise Keister | Term Member | Gardendale
  • Margaret Knight | Student | Helena
  • Dr. James McClintock | Fellow National | Birmingham
  • Megan McDonald | Student | Huntsville
  • Charles Nichols | Member National | Mobile
  • Prof. Sarah Parcak | Fellow National | Birmingham
  • Juan Ronderos | Member National | Orange Beach
  • Jacob Sims | Student | Birmingham
  • Dr. Joseph Vogel | Fellow National | Northport

Dr. James McClintock

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McClintock during one of his trips to Antarctica. (James McClintock)

Dr. James McClintock lives in Birmingham and works as a researcher at UAB. He was elected to the Explorers Club in 2018.

The organization recognized McClintock for his career work as a marine biologist in Antarctica. He took his first trip to the region when he was a student at South Florida but more than three decades later, he still feels like a kid in a candy shop every time he makes the trip.

Much of McClintock’s work is to study toxins and chemicals produced by marine wildlife in the region, working with a team to figure out if those toxins can be used for medicine.

“In the last 15 years, since I’ve been involved, the club has moved to recognize not just the ascension of a mountain that has never been climbed, but to work in people’s research accomplishments as well. The value of information, data and science has been recognized.”

~ James McClintock, Explorers Club member

He has now taken 36 trips to the region.

Margaret Amsler

An inside look at one of many Arctic exploration trips. (Margaret Amsler)

McClintock also does work with fellow club member Margaret Amsler, who was selected for the Explorers Club as part of the EC50.

Amsler said she had always known about the Explorers Club but it didn’t really get on her radar until McClintock was elected. Two years later, McClintock nominated Amsler and she was officially added as a member in 2020.

“They have this quote from one of the members that says ‘there is no I in explore.’ And that’s one thing I see. It takes a team.”

~ Margaret Amsler

Amsler, who currently works alongside McClintock as researchers at UAB, first got involved with Antarctic research as a student at DePaul University. She returned to the field after her husband, Chuck, and McClintock got a new project funded.

While she works mostly as a biologist focusing on crustaceans and other invertebrates in Antarctica, Margaret’s work links up with Chuck’s work with algal forests and McClintock’s work with chemicals.

Bill Jones

Bill Jones became a Member National in 2012. His family has lived in Alabama for several generations, dating back to before Alabama officially became a state.

Jones, who now lives in Birmingham, turned his college minor of geology into a career that has taken him across the world, exploring and studying several different regions including multiple trips to:

  • Mt. Everest
  • West Africa
  • India
  • New Zealand

He has also spent a lot of time in the United Kingdom including building a friendship with Prince Philip. He went on several trips with the former Duke of Edinburgh which included hunts and spending time at Balmoral Castle.

Since joining the Explorers Club, Jones has had trips to China and Galápagos Islands funded.

“I never thought I’d have an opportunity to have the chance to do some of these things.”

~ Bill Jones

‘You have no idea who you might meet’

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Astronauts Leroy Chiao and Buzz Aldrin at a Founders Club event. (Bill Jones)

While Jones has plenty of his own stories to share from his travels, he said he considers himself just a Boy Scout when compared to some of the other members of the Explorers Club.

The Alabama members raved about people they have gotten to meet through different events and meetings including:

  • Buzz Aldrin
  • James Cameron
  • Leroy Chiao
  • John Glenn

“The Explorers Club has introduced me to some extremely interesting people… when you go to an annual meeting, you have no idea who you might meet or where they come from.”

~ Bill Jones
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Jones at the Explorers Club building in New York. (Bill Jones)

The Explorers Club building hosts different events throughout the year at its headquarters in New York.

McClintock said he has been invited to speak to members on multiple occasions including as a part of a seminar focused on climate change and conservation.

Amsler spoke on one of her recent visits to the club, shortly after being elected. During her trip, she got to see her name engraved into concrete blocks at the historic building alongside other accomplished researchers.

“I really don’t feel like I belong. I was pretty dumbfounded, and I still am. Just the history and legacy of the club, the people who have really been explorers. I’ve just been dumb lucky.”

~ Margaret Amsler on being selected to the Explorers Club

You can find out more about the Explorers Club including its events, members and nomination process by visiting their website.

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Caleb Turrentine
Caleb Turrentine
Articles: 517