Historic Crescent Theater in Mobile to reopen under new name

🎭 REOPENING: Mobile's Crescent Theater is back. Here's the new name. 👇
#crescenttheater #mobileal #
Business stories relevant to the state of Alabama.
🎭 REOPENING: Mobile's Crescent Theater is back. Here's the new name. 👇
#crescenttheater #mobileal #
🚨 WINN-DIXIE + ALDI: Get your quarters ready, Alabama. 👇
#aldi #winndixie #alabama
🚨 BIG NEW DEVELOPMENTS: Millbrook, Alabama is booming. 💥
#millbrookal #montgomery #alabama
🎉 There's some classic, Southern comfort-food coming your way, Florence!
Read about the new Struts on Pine officially open tomorrow. 😁👇
#florencealabama #newopening #newrestaurant #CM
🤑 RISING RENT: Rates keep ticking up as students return to Auburn + Tuscaloosa. 👇
#tuscaloosaal #auburnal #tuscaloosa #auburn #alabamarent
😆 NEW COFFEE SHOPS: Tuscaloosa is getting more caffeinated. 👇
#tuscaloosa #northport #rolltide #sevenbrew
🤯 NEW MUSEUM: This place is going to be full of local history. 👇
#hobsoncity #calhouncounty #alabama
Details on Alex City's new high school. Opening— 2025.👇🏽
#education #alexcity #benjaminrussell
🐅 NEW AUBURN EATERIES: These spots are ready to fuel students this semester.👇
#auburn #auburnal #wareagle
🚧CONSTRUCTION UPDATES: Check out these multi-million-dollar building permits issued this week!
#newconstruction #buildingpermits #alabamaconstruction