Gulf Shores receives $13.4M for new Eco Center facility

⭐️ HUGE PROJECT: Gulf Coast Eco Center is going to be *amazing*. Check it out. 👇
#gulfshores #gulfcoast
Fun things to do/happening around the state of Alabama
⭐️ HUGE PROJECT: Gulf Coast Eco Center is going to be *amazing*. Check it out. 👇
#gulfshores #gulfcoast
❗️NOW OPEN IN AUBURN: Check out Bunkers. 👇
#auburn #auburnal #bunkers
🚨 ROCK THE COUNTRY: Like Rock the South, only bigger. 👇
#rockthesouth #rockthecountry #alabama #mobileal
🥃 CLYDE MAY'S: Exciting news about Conecuh Ridge Distillery! 👇
#troyal #alabama #clydemays
🛻 NEW NAME: You'll want to see this. 😆
#mobile #mobileal #alabama
🍸 NEW BAR: Florence's Martin Theatre is getting new life. 👇
#florence #theshoals #viviantheatre #northalabama
👏 VOTE NOW: The MoonPie Over Mobile Celebration could win a big title with your help. 👇
#mobileal #moonpie #moonpieovermobile
❗️COMING SOON: Construction is almost underway at Fairhope's huge new park (with a kayak launch). 👇
#fairhope #fairhopeal #alabama
🚨 NEW LULULEMON: Auburn's first location is now open. 👇
#auburn #auburnal #lululemon
❄️ SNOWBIRDS: See which Alabama cities are top destinations for escaping the cold, according to Architectural Digest. 👇
#alabama #snowbirds