Toyota solar project among 24 new million-dollar-plus building permits

MAJOR CONSTRUCTION IN ALABAMA: Look at these million-dollar-plus projects approved in the state recently.
#MS #construction #bamabuzz #toyota #alabama
Business stories relevant to the state of Alabama.
MAJOR CONSTRUCTION IN ALABAMA: Look at these million-dollar-plus projects approved in the state recently.
#MS #construction #bamabuzz #toyota #alabama
🏆 Companies announced $10.1 Billion in capital investments in 2022.
#silvershovel #alabama #development
NEW BUILDING PERMITS: See where these 17 million-dollar-plus projects are located in Alabama!
#MS #buildingpermits #alabama #newconstruction #alabamaconstruction
CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Here are 9 new million-dollar-plus building projects approved in Alabama!
#MS #construction #alabama #buildingpermits #newconstruction
🚗🚙AAA expects 42.3 million people to travel 50 miles of more during the Memorial Day weekend.
#gasprices #aaa #travel
Have you ever wondered how the huge Coca-Cola displays at grocery stores are created? Who puts them together? How long do they take to create? To learn more, we met with Kevin Clark—a Merchandiser with Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED in…
NEW BUILDING PERMITS: Look at these million-dollar-plus construction projects approved this week!
#MS #buildingpermits #alabama #newconstruction #bamabuzz #walmart
❤️POPPY PROJECT The event begins Friday evening.
#BhamAL #Memorialday
🍔 🍟Jack's is headquartered in Birmingham
#alabama #allaboutthesouth
NEW CONSTRUCTION ALERT! 10 new building permits were awarded this past week for large projects in the state.
#MS #newconstruction #alabama