20 new million-dollar-plus construction permits approved in Alabama, June 6th

🏗️ Several new construction projects are in the works across Alabama 🤩 #construction #development #alabama #nw
Business stories relevant to the state of Alabama.
🏗️ Several new construction projects are in the works across Alabama 🤩 #construction #development #alabama #nw
MAIN STREET: Is your hometown included in this list?
#mainstreetalabama #alabamatowns #alabamacities #bama #alabama #revital #projects #sg
The final stages of the McFarland Mall demolition are complete. Read more about what locals and businessmen want to see in its place.👇
#Tuscaloosa #Alabama #BamaBuzz
🏗️ Several new construction projects are in the works across Alabama 🤩 #construction #development #alabama #nw
Something new and exciting is happening in Tuscaloosa—read more about it.
#tuscaloosaAL #ttown #bama #bamabound #tuscalossadevelopment #growth #sg
Looking to challenge your brain and grow your knowledge? Luckily for you, we've rounded up nine of the best trivia nights in Mobile for you to try. #MobileAL #MobileTrivia #cm
🏗️ Several new construction projects are in the works across Alabama 🤩 #construction #development #alabama #nw
🌟The new + improved 20th street is now open + ready to welcome the world! 🤩
#NowPartner #theworldgames2022 #CW
🌟 Looking for a bucket list of hot spots you can walk to from Parkside? 👇
#BuzzPartner #OrchestraPartners #RotaryTrail #birminghamalabama #CW
New business alert! The Insider Collective Eatery will be Mobile's first food hall. Want to learn more? Keep reading! #MobileFood #DowntownMobile #cm