New sushi spot coming to Florence—Outlaw Sushi

🍱 NEW SUSHI SPOT: Get excited, Florence! 👇
#florenceal #florencealabama #theshoals #theshoalsalabama
Fun things to do/happening around the state of Alabama
🍱 NEW SUSHI SPOT: Get excited, Florence! 👇
#florenceal #florencealabama #theshoals #theshoalsalabama
❤️ 2023 OPENINGS: These small businesses stole our hearts this year. 👇
#alabama #alabamaeats #2023inreview
😆 CONCERTS + COMEDY: Pull out your January calendar, Alabama. 👇
#alabama #alabamaevents #alabamaconcerts
🥾 FIRST DAY HIKES: Start off 2024 on the right foot, Alabama.👇
#alabama #alabamastateparks #firstdayhike
🤩 JANUARY FESTIVALS: Trumpets, comedy + more. 👇
#alabama #alabamaevents #alabamafestivals
👇 NEW SPEAKEASY: You didn't hear it from us...🤫
#auburn #auburnal #auburnalabama
🎺 ROSE PARADE: Two Alabama bands will appear in the parade. 👇
#milliondollarband #universityofalabama #uofa #roseparade
🏆 TOP STORIES: 2023 was a big year, Alabama. 👇
🚨 KENTUCK MOVE: This is huge.👇
#tuscaloosaal #kentuckfestival #kentuck #kentuckfestivalofthearts #tuscaloosaalabama
🤫 SPEAKEASY: This spot is *perfect* for this time of year.👇
#alabama #speakeasy