NOW OPEN: New trail connects schools, parks and midtown communities in Montgomery

MONTGOMERY: New neighborhood trail now open!
#Montgomery #AL #parksandrecreation #centralAL
MONTGOMERY: New neighborhood trail now open!
#Montgomery #AL #parksandrecreation #centralAL
ALDOT spend $7 million a year picking up trash alongside Alabama's roadways.🚗
#litter #alabamathebeautiful
MLK DAY: Looking for fun events to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. in Alabama?
Here's a list! Let us know if we missed your fav MLK event. 👇
#MLKday #ej
⛸️ ICE SKATING RINK: Head to Montgomery's Riverfront Park for fun on ice this holiday season 🎄
#montgomeryal #iceskating #icerink #SV
Statement from Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed 👇🏽👇🏽
#RIP #montgomeryAlabama
🍗 OPENING SOON: Hangry Joe's Hot Chicken opens soon in Montgomery. Check out what's hot on the menu. 👇
#chickenandfries #montgomeryal #montgomeryalabama #food #restaurants #openingsoon #comingsoon #eat #PI
🛼 OPENING: Get ready to roll! Roller Palace opens Dec. 6 at Montgomery's Eastdale Mall. Psst—skate time is unlimited for only $8! 🤩
#montgomeryalabama #malls #openings #rollerskating #events #fun #pi
🌟 NEWS: Prattville's historic cotton gin is being revamped into The Mill, a 127 loft-style apartment complex. Details 👇
#prattvillealabama #apartments #pi
👏 APPLAUSE: Automotive brands made in Alabama are being praised by US News & World Report. Details.👇
#automotive #cars #suvs #montgomeryal #tuscaloosaal #lincolnal #pi
More jobs are becoming available to Montgomery’s workforce—400 to be exact. Hyundai Mobis just announced their plans to add an EV battery plant to their Montgomery campus, keeping jobs local and driving innovation with electric vehicle part production.