Category Fun

Fun things to do/happening around the state of Alabama

5 new openings to visit in Auburn & Opelika

5 New Openings To Visit In Auburn & Opelika
With tons of charming restaurants, cocktail bars, coffee shops and more, the Auburn-Opelika area has always been a great place to live & visit. And now, it's getting even better. Several exciting new shops & restaurants have popped up in the last year, adding even more fun things to do. We picked out 5 recent openings you need to visit on your next trip to Auburn & Opelika!

7 Mobile lunch spots with amazing outdoor dining options

7 Downtown Mobile Brunch Options With Amazing Outdoor Dining
Mobile is known for its lively downtown full of funky bars, cool street art and, of course, places to eat. With so many options, it can be hard to pick the perfect lunch spot. Luckily, we've created this outdoor dining guide with seven unique opitions to give you a taste of downtown!