Category Fun
Fun things to do/happening around the state of Alabama
9 Alabama photographers you need to follow on Instagram
Love fresh food? Check out these two local farmers markets in Montgomery
Milken Institute Listed These Alabama Cities On The Best-Performing Cities Index For 2021
What you need to know about Alabama’s minor league baseball teams’ new league
Football is back—what you need to know about this year’s Magic City Classic
The Magic City Classic returns this spring after rescheduling the fall game due to COVID-19. Now one of Birmingham’s favorite traditions is back, with a few adjustments. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about this year’s game.
New, $40M Huntsville Amphitheater set to open in 2022, seat 8,000+
7 famous artists who have recorded in Alabama, including The Rolling Stones
Did you know that many of the greatest musical hits from the past half century can be traced back to the towns of Sheffield and Muscle Shoals in northwest Alabama? Here are just a few you may have heard about.
5 exciting inventions by Alabamians, including the Super Soaker
It’s no secret that Alabamians are creative, innovative and always thinking about the next big thing. In fact, Alabama natives have been behind some incredible inventions that you use in your day-to-day life. We picked out five Alabama inventors and…